Cecil Whig Post (300 words or less)
See first blog entry for complete information on top priorities.
Top Priorities include addressing taxes, transparency, and planning.
In order to effectively address our economy, we’ll have to stop doing business as usual in the County and implement accountable government and fiscal responsibility. Too many big businesses control our local politicians or the elected officials are representing their own interests. Televising commissioner meetings would be effective in revealing these conflicts and holding our public officials accountable. Conflicts of interest shouldn’t be tolerated!
Cecil County tax payers are struggling today and with the unemployment rate in Cecil County higher than most areas (10.5%) along with plummeting property values which will result in a significant decrease in tax revenue next year, we need to clean up our act and start implementing common sense policies to increase our tax base. How? Cut taxes, limit the cost of government, promote our local businesses and attract hi-tech industry with quality jobs.
We should continue to invest in tourism which yields a return of $12 to $40 for every dollar invested. Our unique identity is closely identified with our rural character and we should protect our parks, encourage value added farming and ag preservation which keeps our farm lands in operation while residential is a draw on the tax base. Investing in tourism and ag preservation also contributes to our quality of life.
Implementing an Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance would allow us to grow in a planned and coordinated manner. For too long we have missed opportunities because we are reactive instead of proactive to growth. An APFO could limit growth in areas that didn’t have the infrastructure and allow for developers to pay into a fund to provide the infrastructure as we grow. Therefore, the growth is paid for by those profiting from it and not on the backs of Cecil County tax payers.