Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I got involved in Cecil County politics 20 years ago when I learned that my local government was not representing the best interests of the county but special interests of a few. Sadly enough, much hasn’t changed in the past 20 years. Those with special interests are still working hard to make more money off the backs of Cecil County Tax Payers and they are always looking for a new representative. I’ve learned that even if a candidate says all the right things, the devil’s in the details and follow the money.

Below is the email testimony submitted by Carl Roberts in support of Special Taxing District legislation. This legislation encourages residential growth because it funds water and sewer infrastructure which a developer typically has to fund. None of the other services (schools, roads, emergency services) are required to be funded so the taxpayers will end up seeing their taxes increased to cover these costs. This is the very reason why Cecil County tax payers experienced double digit tax increases for the past 13 years prior to 2009.

When Carl’s testimony was read to the Ways & Means Committee, a Delegate on the Committee asked why a Superintendent of public schools would support this legislation if school funding wasn’t included in the taxing district. The Cecil County Delegation introducing the bill didn’t have an answer. After the hearing I called the representatives on the school board and they confirmed that Carl Roberts was not representing the Cecil County Public Schools or the Cecil County School Board and that he was acting alone. When Carl finally returned my phone calls, he said it was a big mistake and that he was actually submitting his testimony as a private citizen. As you can see from his testimony below, he includes his title of Superintendent and uses the Booth Street address. Why would he support this legislation?

  Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 6:45 AM
To: ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''
Cc: 'James, Mary-Dulany Delegate'; ''; 'Rudolph, David Delegate'; ''; ''
Subject: RE: House Bill 1562 - Cecil County-Special Taxing Districts-Creation
Madame Chair and members of the House Ways & Means Committee, I ask your FAVORABLE action on House Bill 1562.  Passing this legislation will provide Cecil County Commissioners the ability to create special taxing districts under strict parameters resulting in targeted revenue to support the installation of infrastructure which is critically needed as we prepare for future growth.  Our commissioners have attempted for years to obtain enabling legislation that would allow them to raise revenue from those developing and contributing to growth rather than simply applying the costs to all Cecil County citizens.  Until this year, the Cecil County Delegation as a group would not support enabling legislation permitting the elected commissioners to create additional revenue streams to build the infrastructure required.  Delegates James, Walkup and Rudolph stepped forward this year to support our county in this time of great need.  Again, I ask for your favorable response to House Bill 1562.
Carl D. Roberts, Ed.D.
Cecil County Public Schools
201 Booth Street
Elkton, Maryland 21921

As some already know, one of the major ways to have growth paid for by those profiting from it is to impose excise and impact fees. Because Code Home Rule does allow for a local government to impose impact and excise fees, a majority of citizens favored this type of government during the commissioner funded Alternative Government Forum (forum cost $10,000 to the taxpayers). The Commissioners ignored the citizens’ vote and set up a Charter Board instead which does not allow the local government to impose impact and excise fees.

Carl Roberts supports Charter Government. Who are the other major supporters and proponents? The majority of the funding for the Friends of Charter comes from developers and most are located outside Cecil County. The Cecil Times did an insightful story on Carl’s campaign funding which talks about how much Carl has contributed to his own campaign and where his money is coming from.

Someone Noticed did an excellent story on the source of his donations. Also, check out his Campaign Reports .